‘And one of the teachers of the law asked Yeshua, tempting him, and saying, “Rabbi, which is the highest commandment in the law?” Yeshua said to him,”You must love your God with all your heart and with all your Spirit and out of all your understanding.” This is the first and very greatest commandment. And the second is like this: “You must love your fellow as yourself. All the Torah and the prophets are hung on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:35-40 (Hebrew Gospels, Sepharad)’

Welcome to Zadok Way

We are not a traditional church community.

We are people desiring to follow the teachings of Yashua[or Jesus as you may know him]. We seek to connect the full story of scripture showing the intimate connection there is between Genesis to Revelation. We seek to know what scripture originally stated with authentic and historically accurate context. You will notice that we use additional books and resources then the Church typically does. Our intention is to come into a deeper understanding of the spirit and truth of the covenant and the instructions from Yahweh.

We are people, hungry for community and all of us come from various walks of life, religious background, and different ways of articulating our beliefs. We are united in our passion to seek out the truth of scripture and we invite you to come along with us on this journey.

John 14:21 states, “He who keeps my commandments, is he who loves me. And whoever loves me, will be loved of my Father; and I will love him and will reveal myself to him.(Hebrew Gospels, Sepharad)” This is the scripture we most identify with.

We welcome you to journey with us and welcome your questions!

May you find your way into a deeper understanding of the love of our Messiah.


Blessings & Shalom,

Zadok Way